3 Ways to Balance Your Musician Lifestyle and Mental Health
1: Stay Organized
2: Take A Breather
3: Accept Help From Others
2. This being said, I have noticed throughout the years that when we musicians strive to focus primarily on music … we tend to fall into the bad habit of sacrificing important things (like our physical and mental health) so that we can put more time into our music.
It may seem like a productive thing to do at first, but it’s really not. Please take some time out of your day to step away from ProTools and get some fresh air. You’ll be glad you did!
3. I know what it’s like to be a self-sufficient musician – sometimes it feels like being an independent woman who don’t need no man!
For some projects, you really may be on your own unless you spend $$$$$… but I want to remind you that when someone OFFERS to contribute and you trust the person, please accept! Even if it’s not music-related help because you want your full creative control, if someone wants to help you book an event then why not?! Or if someone wants to make you some social media, or grab your groceries or give you a lift to the gig… If it works out you can pay it forward:)